Friday, January 8, 2021

Corona and MAGA Virus Sweep the Country

There are two diseases affecting America today Coronvirus and MAGA. You have read about the contagious forms of Coronavirus which originated in England and South Africa and are now beginning to show up on these shores. On January 6
th Americans were horrified to see the new strain of MAGA which finally unleashed itself with full force on the capitol. MAGA rallies presided over by Trump were always derisive affairs in which the president created racist and sexist soubriquets to fit all his perceived enemies.There were, in addition, numerous incidents where MAGA inspired cavalcades of cars terrorized highways and in one occasion even a Biden campaign bus. But the newest strain of MAGA, the one that was evidenced at the capitol (were windows were broken, with members of congress fleeing for their lives), seems not only more contagious, but also  immune to the vaccine of coalition which President Elect Biden is attempting to inject into the body politic. If you watched the events as they unfolded on TV, you may find yourself beginning to suffer a kind of PTSD as the reality of what transpired really begins to become clear. At first television's six degrees of separation offered the viewing audience a new sport. MAGA protestors v. Capitol Police. It was the first real competition to Netflix series like The Queen’s Gambit, The Crown and Babylon, Berlin which have also become a kind of contagion. It was almost entertaining to see thugs out of Clockwork Orange sitting behind Nancy Pelosi’s desk or presiding over the senate in the very chair Mike Pence had occupied minutes before. Then as the reality set in along with images which included a protestor wearing a Camp Auschwitz hoody and another sporting a Confederate flag, the realization that if congress wasn’t safe from state sponsored hooligans like the Proud Boys and The Oath Keepers, you could hardly feel safe on the roads where traveling Trump roadshows are a constant threat or even in your home. Both Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi’s residences have been vandalized. The new MAGA virus is particularly deadly to minorities. The images of crowds of looters breaking down what is perhaps the most sacred American landmark was horrifyingly reminiscent of both the Reichstag fire (February 27, 1933) and Kristallnacht (November 9-10, 1938).

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