coronavirus (Alexey Solovodnikov) |
Forget blind studies, were you blind to think you would be exempt? What if the NIH embarked on a major examination of Covid involving one person, you! You've been hearing about Covid for years, but you suffered from narcissistic grandiosity.Then lo and behold, you’re coughing all night. When your temperature climbs to almost 102, you go over to Urgent Care, where you're expeditiously tested for flu and Covid. When the doctor comes in and asks how you are, you say, "fluish" He says "that’s funny because you have Covid" and quickly writes you a prescription for Paxlovid. Does all this sound like an episode of Black Mirror? You debate whether to take the drug. You've heard of mild cases, but that's plainly not what the data is showing. Everyone is calling but you’re too sick to talk. You discuss woulda coulda shoulda with your immediate family members which consist also of one person, your wife. She asks, where you thought you got it? You don’t remember, but return to the room where you're quarantining, waiting for the next meal which will be placed in front of your door. You congratulate yourself on becoming a statistic.
read "Dr. Kildare On Covid-19" by Francis Levy, TheScreamingPope.com
and listen "Every Little Bit Hurts" by Brenda Holloway