Monday, December 30, 2024
Time Machination
Friday, December 27, 2024
Brendan Behan and Jackie Gleason |
You may have noticed that Irish people say 'em. It's a sound that's a form of reflective pause. Sounds are different from vowels and they're definitely not words which boast of meaning. Does an utterance which could be part of a noun tantalize with the prospect of association? A breath may hint at the prospect of naming. After all intention always lurks in the background. 'Em is a vibration that men feel in their Adam's apples. It is right below a growl though there's nothing threatening at work. The sound is that of an engine idling. The motive is less to hesitate than to warm up in the way one does before a drive through a snowy landscape. Ireland is full of cold and mist and one can see why many if its countryman might need to do away with the blarney before they set about their business.
Thursday, December 26, 2024
The Room Next Door
Pedro Almodovar's The Room Next Door, the director's first English language feature, is based on What Are You Going Through, the highly acclaimed novel by Sigrid Nunez. But the presentational style is so arch and self-evident, one wonders about the director's intent. Is the consequent humor inadvertent or intentional, in such a way as to make the movie a parody of itself? It's the old say it versus show it dealt with in Creative Writing 101. The invention Almodovar used in Tell It To Her (2002), about the grief for a comatose female matador, is absent.The story of a terminally ill journalist Martha Hunt, (Tilda Swinton) who appoints an old friend Ingrid Parker (Julianne Moore) to be the witness to her suicide is hardly the stuff of comedy. In this case it's the occasion for a series of flat linear stories that one may initially try to excuse. At one point Damian (John Turturro) a former lover of Ingrid's states that she has the unique ability to suffer while not making those around her feel guilty. It's an odd locution. Just as you're about to discountenance the obvious deadpan plot, doors open up just like the red one which Martha will eventually use as a signal. One wants to give Almodovar credit, not of the directorial kind, but in terms of the benefit of the doubt. It's not really clear what he's up to, but that may be part of the effect. Verisimilitude is not the aim and the final ending, which bears some comparison to Bergman's Persona, undoubtedly casts an unexpected shadow of clarification on what has come before.
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Cruise to Nowhere
Retirees tend to be big travelers. Petra, Angkor Wat (also known as Angkor, What! to some argumentative couples). Cruises to Antarctica together with long distance balloon trips and 20 000 leagues under the sea in submersibles are all on the itinerary. Tourism has become a developmental stage. Is it a preparation for the final journey over the Acheron with Charon as oarsman? The search for ever more exotic locales has become increasingly frenzied. Safaris are tantamount to social security. Just about everyone you meet is coming or going from one and flying Air Emirates whuch offers pasha- like treatment for those who can afford it. What do sites afford? Young back packers generally are looking for adventure. They free solo and skydive. They slum. But the Seven Wonders are the province of those who are on their way to the afterlife. Perhaps they will sign up for one of the appropriately named Cruises to Nowhere.
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Matt Gaetz For Senate!
Matt Gaetz would have been qualified to run for the Roman senate during Caligula's reign. It will be interesting to see what he is like after he gets out of rehab. Or will he be like Eichmann who claimed he had been taking orders from his superiors? DJT is a hard act to follow since he can provide a guide to living--"Access Hollywood"--that would send most who follow it to jail. Apparently Gaetz had sex not once but twice with a 17-year-old, on one of which occasions, there were witnesses (eg he likes doing it in public). Chacun a son gout is an expression that will probably be banned in light of the Gisele Pelicot atrocity. It isn't hard to imagine Gaetz and his boss surrounded by pulchritude and fruit. Rome provided the model of governance in a "Girls Gone Wild" ambiance.
Monday, December 23, 2024
Economy of Scale
Have you ever awakened and not known where you are? It's easy to do in one of those nameless hotel chains say a Courtyard Marriott whose design is based on the production line principle of replicability. Economy of scale can apply to dwellings as well as Campbell's soup cans a la pre fab houses of the 50's that paradoxically have become relics the more they disappear from view. It's hard to get ones bearings in a world of uniformity. His does Big Brother figure here? Orwell couldn't have dreamed this one up? Due to ubiquity modernity has a leveling effect. There's no pace like home, literally!
Friday, December 20, 2024
The Civil War
You may look rightly at the Retrumplicans as brainwashed, but the schizoid nature of the country is accounted for by a litany of delusion on both sides of the tracks. It takes two to tango or to create a folie a deux. One knows what describes the profile of the Trump supporter: the slavish devotion to the cult of the Second Coming. The followers of Jim Jones suffered from a similar passion. You can see where that got them. With all the "sickness unto to death" following the election, it's easy to forget what maladaptive behaviors characterize the Left particularly with regard to a form of Orwellian Newspeak centered around pronouns. And let's not forget about the #MeToo and blackballing on college campuses, where the accused are guilty before being proven innocent. It's The Scarlett Letter redux. If only Nathaniel Hawthorne were alive today.
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Is there any difference between the present and the era when McCarthy put the army on trial?Trump thinks Liz Cheney should be tried and possibly even jailed. The same holds true for Bennie Thompson and the other members of the Select Committee including Adam Schiff. On the other hand members of the House Ethics Committee voted to release a report that former DOJ nominee Matt Gaetz has been fighting to suppress. When will the rubber hit the road? What event will ignite a paradigm shift where "the deep state" will have no more power as a jeremiad than the saying in a fortune cookie? When will Pizzagate and QAnon have a "second life" in the next generation of computer games? Will QAnon be the Dark Force in the Star Wars of tomorrow (which will undoubtedly be played out in alternate universes and on a highway called Time)? First it was Jack Smith then Fani Willis in Georgia and Alvin Bragg in New York. People who travel on the biggest LIE in the world, the Long Island Expressway, encounter drag racers winding in and out of traffic at hair raising speeds. Maybe the day the cops finally catch up with them will be the oracle for change you have been waiting for.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
The Castle
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
The Miracle of the Grain Ships
detail from "The Miracle of the Grain Ships" |
Florentines faced shortages wheat in 1332. If you look into Lorenzetti's maritime scene, you clearly see the faces of the sailors. Humanization is one of the themes of "Siena: The Rise of Painting 1300-1350" at the Met. What were the sailors in this detail from the panel thinking? Were they eager to satiate their stomachs or simply anticipating praise. Remember the burghers on the shore in Vermeer's "View of Delft?" How far away but at the same time near to these early inklings of personhood in painting! Freed from the constraints and uniformity of convention the Sienese painters of the early Renaissance, Duccio, Martini, Ambrogio and Pietro Lorenzetti explored character and individuality. What will happen when the boats arrive? Is that where the story begins or ends? Yet to the contemporary eye, what makes these paintings compelling is the sincerity and the lack of irony. Devotion and belief are still the modus operandi. Hope springs eternal.
Monday, December 16, 2024
A Complete Unknown
How do you prevent a biopic from becoming a hagiography? Filling it with stereotypes and melodrama. James Mangold's A Complete Unknown deals with Dylan's formative years l961-The overly earnest Pete Seeger (Ed Norton) refusing to name names, the tubercular Woody Guthrie in a Jersey Sanitarium, the competitive and self-serving Joan Baez (Monica Barbaro) and an alternately debauched and detached Dylan (Timothy Chalamet) who is literally and metaphorically, the Riddler. Not since Margarethe von Trotta's Hannah Arendt has any character smoked so insistently as Mangold's Dylan.The camera pans back and forth from the face of a renamed Susan Rotolo (Ellie Fanning) the girl on the cover of the Freewheelin' Bob Dylan--as her lover becomes a legend at Newport before her eyes. They well up. Then they well up, more. What's Dylan's great cause? Not civil rights or war, it turns out, but rock. It's a war between Folkways and John Hammond at CBS. What's missing is nuance. The director makes his larger than life characters real by making them trite. The result is an ignoble portrait of a Nobel prizewinner.
Friday, December 13, 2024
Ted Kuenz in Ibsen's "When We Dead Awaken"
Ted Kuenz |
Ted Kuenz who appears in the Renewal by Andersen commercial you have seen on CNN and MSNBC, before you stopped watching the news, is an actor who apparently plays himself. You didn't know that the folks at the Window Replacement Division of Renewal by Andersen were followers of Luigi Pirandello, the Sicilian playwright who wrote Six Characters in Search of an Author. Though "who is playing whom" may lie at the heart at the heart of this drama, it's not fake news! The question is, what role will Ted kuenz continue to play in future productions of the Renewal By Andersen Repertory Company? Will Ted Kuenz play Hamlet and ask "to engage the Replacement Windows Division of Renewal by Andersen or not? That is the question?" If nothing else Ted Kuenz is Waiting for Godot or anyone else who can close his windows aka mouth since there's a draft. imagine Ted Kuenz in Ibsen's When We Dead Awaken!
Thursday, December 12, 2024
House of Pain |
Severely disturbed people inflict physical pain on themselves in order to squelch a deeper ache. Those who resort to self- mutilation, who cut and burn them selves, constitute a subcategory. The mind is so constructed that it can go on autopilot to produce the right quotient of maladaptive behavior necessary to quell the noise. Loss can produce bouts of logorrhea. You've encountered people who can't stop talking and bring conversation to a halt. These literally take the air out of a room. Traumatized children either look like ghosts with their deadened eyes or produce a level of noise which eradicates both thought and emotion. Meditation is a spiritual activity. You stop what you're doing. It's meant to clear the mind. But it can do just the opposite turning up the volume on the very voices it seeks to eliminate.
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Shit Show
The Fuck-Up was Arthur Nersesian's breakout novel. Self-published and placed in book stores on consignment, it eventually sold 140,000 copies. A translation of the The Fuck-Up has recently become a "succes d'estime," as well as a publishing sensation in France. It's not hard to see why the French would gravitate to Nersesian's world of 80s New York. It's a literal A Bout de Souffle with a main character who works as an usher at a Cinema Village type place and who then pretends to be gay so he can remain in the employ of a porno theater--yes, he's a male moll who avoids gangsters and doesn't sell The Trib like Jean Seberg. The point is it's got the mood early Godard that played the downtown art houses of the 60s. Nersesian likes expletives in his titles. His latest novel, his fourteenth, is Shit Show. The book is a totally different bag of apples, in which the author deftly displays his gift for imagining history, moving from the Stalinist Russia of the 40s to Woodstock, then 9/11. Nersesian's character Morosov even writes a more than competent poem ending with these lines: "Since there was no sign of heaven, God dropped them on the Syrian/Plains to let his vultures feed/They were the bread unleavened, his hateful creed." Here is a non sequitur from Edmund Wilson's To the Finland Station: "In spite of Marx's enthusiasm for the human, he is either inhumanely dark and dead or almost superhumanly brilliant."
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Will those painted gold Trump statues be tumbled someday just as Assad monuments are being desecrated in Homs, Aleppo and Damascus? Btw who will be appointed to be the head of the Assad's imperial guard of sports cars? Trump is one step ahead of his predecessors, issuing the commemorative coins and busts of himself before he even turns the Oval Office into "the shape of money." Remember Dubcek and Prague Spring and Lech Walesa ? Are the Trumps the Romanovs? Will Donald and Melania (a naturalized citizen in danger of deportation) become Nicholas and Alexandra?
Monday, December 9, 2024
Plato's Retreat
The Ansonia Hotel There are some people who dream of a sensual state that will be the cure for all their problems. Life is an eternal gray February day on the late 60s West Side with biting Hudson winds rattling icy windows. Only invoking the image of Plato's Retreat and the famed redoubt, The Ansonia Hotel, breaks the ice. Fill the emptiness with the ultimate erotic dream! But is free access to naked bodies the cure for lassitude? The Orgy is the title of a novel by the poet Muriel Rukeyser. Rome is a civilization once associated with indulgence. Caligula is the emperor whose name is most associated with an excess whose essence lay in the subjugation and exercise of power over his subjects. Caligula was a madam, classical civilization his brothel. He was also one of history's greatest Johns which poses the question, can a slave owner be a consumer of the very property he owns? The reciprocal love of women was memorialized by Sappho. La Grand Bouffe the 1970 movie starring Michel Piccoli anticipated Bob Guccioni's failed Caligula (1979). Gore Vidal, who wrote the script along with Malcolm McDowell, who played the emperor, both abandoned the project. But the set itself exemplified the excesses of an iconic institution which is now only a distant memory and footnote to the history of the upper west side in the disco era. read "Removing Your Unconscious" by Francis Levy, The East Hampton Star and listen to "Boogaloo Down Broadway" by Johnny C (1967) |
Friday, December 6, 2024
Are you so obsessed with yourself that you don't know whether you're coming or going? Freud talked about love and work, but many professionals whose career paths are, for good or bad, set in stone might say sex and food--two ephemeral entities that create a discussion that far exceeds their duration. Look at the literature of sexuality Catallus, Caligula, Sade, Chaucer, Rabelais, Fielding and in modern times Henry Miller, Charles Bukowski, Phillip Roth, Simone de Beauvoir, Erica Jong, Annie Ernaux, John Updike, Harold Brodkey and Daphne Merkin. And the literature of food is no slouch either, if you consider all the writers from Escoffier to Marcella Hazan and Julia Childs. It's a paradox of fleeting pleasures that one could spend a lifetime writing about culinary exploits that take only a fraction of their production time to consume. Nevertheless, you'll probably be hungry and desirous until the bitter end. In fact, lust is a peculiar animal that owes as much to animal instinct as serotonin and is often masked by an intrinsic dissatisfaction with quotidien reality. In essence, humans afflicted by imagination, are all spurned lovers.
Thursday, December 5, 2024
"Carcass of Beef"by Chaim Soutine (1925) |
Picasso was a serial killer. He turned his lovers, Olga Khokova, Dora Maar, Marie-Therese Walter into his subjects, painting, then leaving them, stags shot then mounted. Too Far Too Go was John Updike's often heartbreaking rendering of the dissolution of a marriage which happened to be his, but as you read, you can't help thinking, why? When there is so much genuine love between two people, why need they part? Or is there a perversion involved, a psychiatric condition not listed in the DSM, where an artist needs to turn his subject into dead meat--a la Soutine. Do some writers inflict pain on themselves and others, in order to write about it?
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Brave New World
Why does CNN belabor every story? It's informative to hear Will Ripley explaining the declaration of martial law in Korea to the anchor, Pamela Brown, but not ad nauseam. BTW Ripley was reporting from Taiwan. Will he be reporting from Pyongyang when Xi Jinping invades the former Formosa? In the case of the situation in Seoul the network was creating Esperanto without being aware of it? Know the ticker tape underneath your screen that drools out the same iterations which either rhyme or sound like Mar-A-Lago? If you switch to MSNBC you are in another world of mishaps but at least you aren't limited to one catastrophic event when so many others are happening such as Republicans lining up their ducks to nominates a Russian asset to a cabinet post.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
David and Goliath is as monstrously overused as "narcissism" and "depressed." What is the use of describing someone as a narcissist, with that meaningful "depressed" look people evince when they refer to those exemplifying the "N" word, if everyone is suffering from the same thing? A disorder is supposed to be exceptional otherwise "breathing" would be a condition. Imagine labeling someone "a breather" and saying it with the same serious look you reserve for "a narcissist?" But getting back to D&G. Who will combat the Dark Force aka "Cash" Patel? Who will spare Americans From The Empire aka The Trump Organization? Remember those sabers you bought for your kids? Darth Vader and Elon Musk were once good. So there is hope for a turn around. This same cannot be said about Trump who never even pays his bills. To MAGA, America needs someone with the wiles of Odysseus, someone who can beat Goliath at his own game.
Monday, December 2, 2024
Take the Musk Out of Muskie and What Do You Get? |
Is our current period comparable to Rome after Augustus, Greece after the Trojan war or has frequently been said Germany before the rise of Hitler. Certainly a large class of unemployed unskilled workers and veterans, the lumpen proletariat, fueled the beer hall Putsch which was tantamount to January 6. Is Elon musk Goebbels with his propaganda machine and freaky Mother in the background a la Norman Bates? Interestingly Germany before Hitler was a supernova sending out the bright explosion of the dying star. Berlin Alexanderplatz, the Alfred Doblin novel, later adapted by Fassbinder, Robert Musil's The Man Without Qualities, Ernst Broch's The Sleepwalkers along with the novels of Stefan Zwieg and Joseph Roth and essays of Walter Benjamin were all part of the cultural renaissance that eventually fueled the wrong kinds of fires. Christipher Isherwood's Berlin Stories became Cabaret, but is life ever really a cabaret, my friend? You may not find sleepwalkers but many people walking in their sleep not realizing there is someone bragging about being able to shoot people and get away with it. BTW, where will all the democrat donors and January 6 investigators be imprisoned? Will Alcatraz be brought back into service? Joseph McCarthy tried to court martial the army but maybe the writers of Project 2025 will have better luck?
read "Frankel" by Francis Levy, Vol.1 Brooklyn
Friday, November 29, 2024
The Crying Game
The Crying Game (1992) was a stirring if somewhat histrionic title for a movie. It's right up there with Brief Encounter (1945) where Trevor Howard and Celia Johnson squeeze every drop of melodrama out of a relationship predicated on impossibility. Oh for the romantic agony! One is wistful for the artworks that provided an outpouring of emotion which made one's glass feel half full if only for the 1:09 minutes that the film lasted. Escape indeed, but in a tone poem full of settings, color and mood The Go-Between, with the Harold Pinter script of the L. P. Hartley novel, was another memorably moving title. Room at the Top (1959),The L-Shaped Room (1962) and Sunday Bloody Sunday (1971) pulled at the heartstrings. They don't make 'em like that anymore. What's even more interesting is that the tonic of escape from depressing everyday life was just that--another dose of depression and sadness. Now what are the emotions from which Gen X seeks to free themselves and what are the vehicles?
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Happier Hunting Grounds
In Evelyn Waugh's The Loved One, there is a pet cemetery called "Happier Hunting Grounds." It's a parody of the excesses of Hollywood as well ss the futile hopes some humans maintain for an afterlife. What are the use of mausoleum's gravestones and expensive ceremonies if you've faded into nothingness? What's the use of being remembered if you no longer exist? Trust and estates fall into a similar category of hopelessness. Why would anyone want to control the behavior of their heirs when they are not here to appreciate it? Sure there are wastrels who won't benefit from misplaced largesse but at a certain point one is forced to putatively let go. You can't spare those you love from life anymore than you can allay the imminence of your own death.
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
The Dog and God Problem
Vidkun Quisling |
You may have been rendered speechless by recent history. However everyone has words that are lifesavers, islands of civility amidst the decline of everyday speech. Take morganatic referring to royal bastards or quisling named after the Norwegian Nazi mole. Vergangenheitsbewaltig is a nice German compound word for those who feel they're carrying the weight of the world in their shoulders. Samizdat is a fun Russian word that comes in handy when you're trying to figure out why people don't read poetry anymore. People like what they can't have. Not to impugn intrinsic greatness, but there's no doubt Ossip Mandelstam profited from being a forbidden commodity. Know emordnilap? It's palindrome spelled backwards. LOL is a palindrome, but dog is the emordnilap of God.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Jack Smith
There's a generalized lack of hope. Everyone has stopped watching the news. Maybe someone else doesn't feel this way. You're still getting a pathetic smattering of Act Blue emails and you're hoping the fires are burning somewhere else. You equate your situation with that of the Jews in Nazi Germany. You're paralyzed but do nothing. You find yourself an endangered species. Maybe it won't be as radical as it seems but slowly liberties will be taken away. It's not a world you want to leave to your children. The resignation of the special prosecutor, Jack Smith, is the last straw. Plainly Trump can get away with it if he walks down Fifth Avenue and shoots somebody.
Monday, November 25, 2024
People talk a lot after campaigns and share a lot of opinions, but too often we don’t talk about the people and processes behind campaigns that make them run.
I wanted to share what it’s like to close down a campaign after Election Day. It’s quite the process!
Our team is shrinking from over 50 employees down to just a handful, but in the days since the election, everyone worked hard cleaning out our office, moving furniture and supplies into storage
SSRIs deal with the synapses between the axons and dendrites (the neurotransmitters) that comprise the neurogenic pathways of the brain. One becomes programmed by internal factors but external stimulate are a significant part of that final process which makes up personhood. You may have found your exo-psychic world predominating over the intra-psychic during a fraught election cycle like the one that just concluded. Ordinarily it's the Freudian past that rules the roost but sometimes the outside world takes over. It may be something as simple as the constant emails imploring you to vote for this or that candidate. Right up until Election Day the pleas are there then "the rest is silence."
read "Removing Your Unconscious" by Francis Levy, The East Hampton Star
Friday, November 22, 2024
Apres Moi
photo: Fredrik Posse |
Is "Apres moi, le deluge" axiomatic of this moment? There are those who take the current withdrawal of Matt Gaetz as a sign, a decoy, a rather crafty surrender offered as a diversion, a Trojan Horse if you will, with an olive branch betokening the onslaught of alt right choices. Even Pete Hegseth is a sacrifice fly aimed at bringing the other runners home. Dems will hope as MAGAs discountenance these two choices. Then the floodgates open. Everyone thinks Trump is brash and out of control, but that is also his act. Hulk Hogan is one of his followers but you can't say Trump is all brawn and no brains. His mind is premeditated as well as warped.
Thursday, November 21, 2024
It's a Wonderful Life
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
What does it mean to be an intellectual? The life of the mind by definition owes something to the world which stocks the fish bowl. However, Proust wrote A La Recherche du Temps Perdu in his cork-lined study. The tragic flaw of Moliere's Misanthope is his failure to understand his beloved Celimene who is a shameless flirt. Professor Rath, in Die Blaue Engel is a parody of the eccentric intellectual gulled into being an object of mockery and contempt, a pedant whose eccentricities turn him into a sad clown. George Eliot's Casaubon is the prototypic intellectual whose knowledge is purchased at the. cost of understanding. You may be drawn to imaginative and colorful characters but when you build your dream house, you're likely to opt for the bricklayer over Ibsen's Master Builder Solness who falls to his death building a "castle in the air."
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Retrumplican Semantics
You can blow your horn but if you want to get your horn blown you need an orchestra. There is a semantics to Retrumplicanism. In short they accuse the very people they are gaslighting of gaslighting. Another semantic characteristic of Retrumplicans is their attempt to shut their adversaries down. They are engulfed with a torrent of language which can only go in someone else's face (Kellyanne Conway spoke Retrumplicanese, she was the ur-Retrumplican, homo Retrumplicanis). They're proliferates as well as being profligate and don't seem to possess manners as they interrupt and talk over their opponents' voices. It is the most emlematic attribute of Retrumplican speech and speaks loudly to anyone who might attempt to deprogram a member of what is essentially a massive cult. Biden may have stuttered, but unfortunately Dems slur their words, in the face of the Retrumplican onslaught of language.
Monday, November 18, 2024
Les Normaliens
Ecole Normale |
The Board of Ed instituted a tracking system in the 50s. The Stanford-Binet IQ test was administered to elementary school students who were placed either in the IG or "intellectually gifted" classes or on increasingly lower rungs of the totem pole. Class performance and grades were seldom factors. In England you had the O Levels until l988 and in France an even more selective criteria for those lucky students who become Normaliens and attend the Ecole normale superieure. North Korea undoubtedly has a similar program for those who will make their ICBMs. Either you think of yourself as naturally talented or not. For those who don't score well on standardized tests, the struggle for recognition can be elusive. Intelligence and particularly creativity don't always register in formulaic ways and a student with great potential whose mind blanked when confronted with a series of shapes may find it more difficult--at first. Reports about anomalies, of course, are, by definition, anecdotal since they aren't scored. How do you record the performance of someone with a low IQ who goes on to find a cure for cancer or an outsider artist like Darger? But whoever said life or death were fair?
Friday, November 15, 2024
The Last House on the Left
Wes Craven's The Last House On the Left (1972) is one of the most horrifying films ever made. Rape and torture comprise the narrative. Blair Witch Project (1999) combined the home movie style with horror. Now if you're feeling helpless, this is something you can do. Reach into your pocket. Take out your iPhone, switch to the camera then video mode the moment the congressional hearings with Matt Gaetz, the new AG pick, start. You probably like Newman's microwave popcorn with your movies. Remember The Munsters. Central casting couldn't have produced a better choice for a sequel to the popular TV series than Representative Gaetz. Gaetz also looks like Frankenstein's Monster (Boris Karloff). Switch scripts to Psycho (1960). Cut and action. Gaetz is in the AG's private bathroom at the DOJ. An unidentified young girl is taking a shower in the AG's private bathroom. Now Gaetz dressed in his mother's clothes enters.There's a shriek. It's a montage scene with Bernard Hermann's famed score in the background. The viewer only knows Gaetz has been confirmed when they hear the screams and see the blood swirling down the drain.
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Election 2024: A Post Mortem
Survivors of the election feel they're in a vice. Before the votes were tallied they were optimistic and carefree as they swam happily off Chappaquiddick. As the days passed the metal surface became more impenetrable. There was no way to escape or circumvent it. The metal was inexorable. They knew they would be crushed, just like their hopes. First there was the cold metallic claustrophobia and the terror of realizing the tiny glimmer of hope you held on to was gone. Only unspeakable pain lay ahead. How does one conceive the flesh of the body politic shredded like paper? Then there were the crushed bones, the choking after swallowing one's own blood and finally the suffocation. You dive too deep still thinking you can make it to the surface, only your muscles spasm.There is nothing left to do. Your agony will only be relieved by death.
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
From the 11/4/24 edition of The New Yorker
Yukio Mishima |
From "The Big Deal" by Nicholas Lemann: "The Biden Admnistration passed...the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act ($1.2 trillion), the CHIPS and Science Act ($280 billion), and the Inflation Reduction Act."
On the page opposite, from the poem "Pregnant on Street-Cleaning Day" by Laura Kolbe:
"I see myself in those forgotten unbeloved/presidents of the nineteenth century/gaunt even when they were fat--"
"From the Wilderness" (1966) by Yuko Mishima:
"I'm speaking of the vast wilderness surrounding the metropolis of my being. Unmistakably, it's a part of me, but it is an unexplored, barren area that doesn't appear on my map. I is a region of desolation as far as the eye can see, no verdant trees or flowering plants, only a biting wind that dusts the surface of jutting rocks with sand and then blows it away. though I know the location of this wilderness, I've managed to stay far away, still, I know somehow that I was there once and that someday I will have to make the journey again."
read "An Incident of Defenestration" by Francis Levy, Vol. 1 Brooklyn
and listen to "The Tears of a Clown" by Smokey Robinson
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Darkness Invisible
You might say "black" when someone asks you how you're feeling. But are there fifty shades of black? By definition no, but why not reply "blacker than black?" While black is an absolute on the spectrum there literally are degrees of emotional darkness. Darkness Visible is title of Styron's memoir of depression. You may feel an international darkness as if the world were closing in on you like a person who takes the air out of a room. Do you remember, when you were a kid, getting up in the middle of the night and getting lost in a strange house when you were trying to get to the bathroom? You totally lost your bearings and began to panic. The darkness is the darkness but it is the repercussions that you're now dealing with. Once the lights go out the trouble begins.
Monday, November 11, 2024
MASA (Make America Small Again)
Isolationism, which means America abandons Ukraine and Taiwan, will ultimately do the reverse of what it intends. Diplomacy is a subtle form of colonialism which has allowed the United States to be a dominant power in Europe through both NATO and CENTO. The expense of NATO which Trump has railed against is actually a sound economic investment. Trump and Musk negotiating a deal is the first stage in ceding power to Putin. Dreams of an Imperial Russia will be enhanced by Axis allies like North Korea, China and Iran. Once a commanding presence in both the East and West, the U.S. will become small. The loss of political power will anticipate an economic decline--as a newly dominant bloc of nation states divide the spoils amongst themselves.
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Steve McQueen's Blitz is an unfortunate vehicle for Saoirse Ronan and not the star from which she might wish to shine. You may remember her multi-dimensional performance in Greta Gerwig's Lady Bird (2017). She no doubt fared better as a gifted high school student in Sacramento rather than a single mother of a mixed-race child in war-time London. J. G. Ballard's imagination has a monopoly on portrayals of children in deserted or destroyed cities--somethiing which Steven Spielberg exploited elegantly in Empire of the Sun (1987). Here it's a gigantic mess. It's sad not only to turn a talented actress into a stock character out of central casting for wartime femme fatales, but even sadder to use stylization in the service of melodrama. Blitz is not Goya. Rather it becomes a series of stereotypes from cockney predators to a heroic Nigerian, who discovers the lost boy and fights against the racism which infects Londoners seeking safety in The Underground. One of them most terrible things that a work of art can do, when it pretends to take on history, is to turn it into something which avoids the reality of what actually transpired.
Friday, November 8, 2024
Pilots use the word "weather" to refer to air turbulence. It's actually an interesting locution since you can have sunny clear skies, rain, sleet, hail, hurricanes typhoons and tornadoes attendant upon global warming. It's as if weather were one of those words like "gay" that has taken on extracurricular meanings. There was a time when "gay" meant happy and it would be interesting to trace the evolution of that meaning. There was a time when weather was at the very least a neutral term. Should it be assumed that pilots have engendered a double entendre or innuendo that's the result of climate change? It will be interesting to see how the meanings of certain other words change over time. Alexander Payne directed "Election" back in 1999. It would be interesting to think about what he would have titled his movie today.
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Gregor Samsa
It's not fun to realize you're ultimately no more significant than a cockroach. That's what Kafka's Metamorphosis is about. The most profound irony of Kafka's story is the fact that Gregor Samsa's tormentors are ultimately no better off than he. The inception of life is an unfathomable a mystery as is consciousness in humans yet all living creatures have the same ignoble end. There may be income inequality, but death is the great leveler. There is, in fact, a certain freedom in knowing that one day one will be free from the pain and burden of living itself. In The Swerve, Stephen Greenblatt quotes Lucretius' De rerum natura thusly: "Mourners," Lucretius wrote, "always wring their hands in anguish and say, 'Never again will your dear children race for the prize of your first kisses and touch your heart with pleasure too profound for words. But they do not go on to add, 'You will not care, because you will not exist.'"