Friday, December 20, 2024

The Civil War

You may look rightly at the Retrumplicans 
as brainwashed, but the schizoid nature of the country is accounted for by a litany of delusion on both sides of the tracks. It takes two to tango or to create a folie a deux. One knows what describes the profile of the Trump supporter: the slavish devotion to the cult of the Second Coming. The followers of Jim Jones suffered from a similar passion. You can see where that got them. With all the "sickness unto to death" following the election, it's easy to forget what maladaptive behaviors characterize the Left particularly with regard to a form of Orwellian Newspeak centered around pronouns. And let's not forget about the #MeToo and blackballing on college campuses, where the accused are guilty before being proven innocent. It's The Scarlett Letter redux. If only Nathaniel Hawthorne were alive today.

read "Died Young" by Francis Levy, The Brooklyn Rail

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