Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Martial Law Comes to Netflix

Love in the Time of Corona and Social Distance are yes two television series that have been produced during the pandemic. However, these only scratch the surface of potential tastelessness. What about a series based on the idea that Anthony Bourdain didn’t commit suicide, but was really alive and cooking on Garibaldi Street in Buenos Aires where Eichmann was quietly living before he was caught by the Mossad? What about a reality show about a 12 step program for recovering tyrants. Donald Trump on loan from The Apprentice joins with Victor Orban of Hungry, Jair Bolsonaro form Brazil, Vladimir Putin of Russia and Recep Erdogan from Turkey for a meeting. The first line of the first step “Who cares to admit complete defeat” is recited and afterwards the speaker, Kim Jong-un is introduced. At the break Jong-un raises his hand when the secretary asks if “there is anyone attending this meeting for the first time?” By the way no hands go up when the first line of the first step is read. Guess no one wants to surrender. It’s progress not perfection. Martial Law, starring Michael Flynn, will be a popular new reality show where Donald Trump invalidates a succession of elections until enough voters from minority groups are killed off by the pandemic to insure his triumphal inauguration for a second term. PPE is a scrappy comedy with Jerry Seinfeld returning to television as a garmento who employs undocumented immigrants at low wages so that he can make huge profits on the manufacture of designer masks, gowns and gloves. Scott Atlas MD is Dr Kildare for the age of Corona. Melania and Donald Trump are guests on The Great British Baking Contest. Everyone tests positive in this sequel to the once popular Trump era White House Masque.

Read "MAGA and Coronavirus" by Francis LevyThe East Hampton Star

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