Epistemology refers to the means and methods by which knowledge is acquired. The definition doesn’t specify whether this refers to street smarts or emotional intelligence or the kind of knowledge that’s acquired from books. Classically ruffled professors are idiot savants like Rath (Emil Jennings) who's famously cuckolded by Lola Lola (Marlene Dietrich). It’s the cads who get the girls though Jonas Salk did marry Francoise Gilot in the rebound from Picasso (btw she was the only one of the harem who left first). Lest one dismiss cortical goings on, attention must be paid to deontologists and especially phenomenologists who paved the way for psychoanalysis. Bruno Bettelheim's Freud and Man’s Soul inadvertently deals with this very conundrum as it explores how English translators of Freud tried to demystify language that was meant to have a spiritual as well as scientific meaning. Freud was for all intents and purposes a pastor as well as doctor. The cure he provided was a mixture of reason and faith—to use Thomas Aquinas's famous dichotomy.
read "Why Big German Words Like Vergangenbangenheit Carry Weight" by Francis Levy, HuffPost
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