Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Ukraine: Who Will Cover the Loss?

Zaporozhye reactor (photo: Ralf1969)

Imagine war. Besides the death and destruction, there’s the breakdown of civil society. Where do you go to get a license or registration for your plates? Kiev has 24 universities. What are the professors to do with no banks to direct deposit their pay checks? Which brings us to the question of insurance. What's the meaning of life insurance in a war zone? What insurance company is going to cover the loss? Insurance companies offer umbrellas policies and flood insurance, but what happens when the insurance company, the bank that holds its premiums and the stock market in which these are invested are all bombed to smithereens? Where does liability fit in? What is the meaning of a tort when both sides in a battle are routinely performing them? Do Russian insurance companies cover soldiers for the damage done by their artillery fire? Who will cover your reactor (or person) when they threaten a meltdown?

read "From the Jan. 6 Archive" by Francis Levy, The East Hampton Star

and listen to "Sympathy For the Devil" by The Rolling Stones

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