Thursday, July 16, 2015

Pornosophy: The Joy of OrgaZEN

There was a famous play by Jules Feiffer called Little Murders, but one wonders about a hypothetical drama called Little Pleasures which begins every weekend as you walk into the same 24 hour Korean market down the block from your office and order the final coffee of the day while staring up at the package of OrgaZEN, which hangs next to PowerZEN, in back of the cash register. The package is so alluring with its picture of a woman’s face in a frenzy of lust that the vicarious pleasure makes it almost unnecessary to buy the actual supplement. Whoever shot the model is a genius at insinuation because the pose, however traditional, is a real advertisement for old fashioned sexuality of the kind rarely apparent in either art or life anymore. It’s too tame for pornography and too pleasure bound for romance, yet the photo conveys the ecstasy and temporary madness that brings the act of coitus between solitary individuals into the realm of possibility. The site for OrgaZEN cautions that “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration." So who knows how safe it is. But the OrgaZEN package falls into the picture tells a thousand words category. OrgaZEN is a passable enough product name, but the OrgaZEN girl is right out of the pages of that 60’s icon, The Joy of Sex.

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