Monday, October 21, 2024

The Wild One

Bicyclists get doored and kid gangs on their GTXs, pockets filled with crab apples, retaliate. Lucky there is Safelite and the  friendly teams of uniformed installers the country cousins of the Replacement Division of Windows by Anderson. You may have encountered the covens of drag racers dangerously zigzagging on the LIE. Have you ever been short-stopped by a  punk tailgater? There's a science to traffic that goes back to hydraulics and has to do with viscosity. If you've ever driven by one of those barges that floats its passengers luxuriously down the Marne, you understand. Critics gang  up on playwrights. Remember Moose Murders which was a legendary flop? Remember Paris in 68 from whose graffiti splattered walls, Milan Kundera snatched the title Life is Elsewhere.

read the review of The Kafka Studies Department by Francis Levy in Booklife

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