Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The Marshall Plan

Konrad Adenauer

After the Second World War Germans repudiated Naziism. The Marshall Plan hearkened material prosperity and the rebuilding of the country but also the prospect of assimilation and reentry into the society of Western humanism--however delusive and fraught such a term might seem. Konrad Adenauer exemplifies the new Germany of whom Angel Merkel was also a product. The problem with the Middle East is that such accommodation does not appear to be in the offing. Jihad is not an ideology which will be eradicated. To use Max Weber's term. It's a "beruf" or calling. At the UN Netanyahu pulled out a map of dualities or antinomies with material progress (he literally alluded to fiber optic 
cables between the Mideast and Europe) counterposed to Iran and its axis of evil. Even the threats of material prosperity and peace are probably not enough to move followers of Hezbollah and Hamas from their ultimate goals--which are not looked at as anything like the nefarious and dark ideology of fascism. Hitler believed in a superior Aryan race while the lingua franca of resistance in the Middle East (actually on many fronts including Iran and Syria as well as Gaza and the West Bank) is freedom from oppression.

read "An Incident of Defenestration" by Francis Levy, Vol. 1 Brooklyn

and also read "Ultimate Rejection" by Francis Levy, The East Hampton Star

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