photo of Norman Vincent Peale by Roger Higgins, World Telegram |
A recent NPR piece
revealed that Marble Collegiate Church was Donald Trump’s spiritual home. The piece also described the influence one of
the church’s famous pastors, Norman Vincent Peale, the author of The Power of Positive Thinking, had on Trump's thinking ("How Positive Thinking, Prosperity Gospel Define Donald Trump’s Prosperity Outlook,” NPR,
8/3/16) The NPR story goes on to quote Michael Hamilton, a historian of
American Christianity at Seattle Pacific University thusly, "Peale got
very interested in the notion that the Gospel could unleash power, that having
a divine relationship with God could unleash power within a person for success.
And he defined success pretty broadly, so it partly included material success.
God didn't want people to be poor." One might note that this is a little
different from the description of Protestantism offered by Max Weber in The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism where the importance of values like hard work and frugality lay in the fact their
possessor had received God’s grace. The Peale notion is a little more raw and
relates to the juggernaut of willfulness that’s characteristic of salesmanship
and success while that espoused by classical Protestantism emphasizes the
spiritual side of things. When Trump commented about his campaign after a fractious week when
his own Vice President broke ranks to endorse the House Speaker Paul Ryan that
“It’s never been so well united” (“Trump Says campaign ‘never been so well united,'" LA Times, 8/3/16), he was
exhibiting the power or shall we say the delusion of positive thinking.
Salesmen rarely tell the truth. Their product is always great. You have to buy
it. A good salesman could sell you manure or the wall that Trump is not only
going to build but make Mexico pay for.
One wonders what Norman Vincent Peale or his student Donald Trump, would
think about Arthur Miller’s Death of a
Salesman, one of the masterpieces of modern American literature, that deals
with a tragic character who can’t talk himself out of his fate and who buckles
under the weight of circumstances.
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