Friday, December 10, 2021

Virtue Signaling

“What if you’re not a virtue signaler?” Altruism has become a competitive activity. Though Cordelia remained silent, history is constantly repeating itself with those loudly proclaiming their good intensions often eclipsing the quiet souls who aren't interested in “rewards points.” Is it an oxymoron to be a prominent philanthropist? There are famously the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations. Bill and Melinda Gates named their charity after themselves. Other wealthy donors prefer to remain anonymous while at the same time secretly gloating in their superiority over those who crassly look at the eleemosynary impulse as a potential photo op. Are the MacArthurs actually getting an honorary MacArthur for doing their good deed? Did Alfred Nobel, who made his fortune from dynamite, prove his nobility by creating a prize. Interestingly genius turns out to be a popular cause. Is that because it confers social capital on those who might otherwise have been ostracized for sometimes reckless plunder?

Read "What is Philanthropy? by Francis Levy, HuffPost

and listen to "Love Train"by the O'Jays

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