Friday, February 21, 2020

Event Horizon Planner

In The Myth of Sisyphus, Camus said “there is only one serious philosophical question, and that is suicide. “ And Heidegger believed that authenticity was contingent on an awareness of death. Heidegger had a term for this “sein zum tode,” or “being towards death,” which probably has nothing in common with suicidal ideation or something coming in the way of life force or the instinct to live. In astrophysics you have black holes, supernova which when they collapse are like the cosmological version of a town dump. The original star is interestingly called "the progenitor." Their magnetic field is such that it sucks everything in its path. The event horizon of the black hole is the dividing line after which lies oblivion. There are signposts and watersheds along everyone’s individual path through existence, many of which only become visible as an afterthought. It’s nice to contemplate the notion of a whole world of spirits who wait for souls to arrive once the brain dies and the body becomes a cadaver, but that’s simply anthropomorphizing something which is as hard to understand as birth—that is to say the inception and ending of consciousness and subjectivity. Dark energy is the force that accounts for both the universe's expansion and the darkness which is enveloping it. 

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