Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Final Solution: The Empire Redux

American politics looks like that part of the Star Wars saga where The Empire Strikes Back. Mueller makes a lame appearance in congress. The Supreme Court rules 5-4 that Trump can fund his wall with money from the military budget as Europe smolders in a heatwave that has generated some of the highest temperatures in recorded history. What will runneth over sooner? Trump’s cup or the smoldering cauldron created by the Greenhouse Effect? The President exudes the implacability of Darth Vader as he goes after the Squad tipping his hat unselfconsciously to racism while being applauded for his ability to say literally anything he wants. The upcoming Democratic debate on CNN should be billed as "The Tower of Babel." The 20 voices are more a cacaphony than a chorus. And there's no platform aka "Stairway to Heaven." At some point it will end. According to The Times a federal judge was asked  "to unseal grand jury secrets related to Mr. Mueller's investigation, using the court filing to declare that lawmakers had in effect begun an impeachment investigation of Mr. Trump." ('Nadler Says Trump 'Richly Deserves' Impeachment," NYT, 7/28/19). The Democrats may still fecklessly attempt to initiate impeachment proceedings if only to investigate the cyborg's past misdeeds. Good luck.  However, there will be a sequel. After all the presidency is a franchise just like Star Wars and audiences may be impressed by the power of pure evil, but they also need their Jedi Knights. Good has to triumph over evil. Remember it's at the end of The Empire Strikes Back that Darth Vader makes his startling revelation to Luke, "I am your father."

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