Thursday, January 17, 2019

Rome Journal: Henri Cartier-Bresson

"La Photographie...saisit l'instant"--Henri Cartier-Bresson  (photo: Francis Levy)
This from Henri Cartier-Bresson, written in elegant cursive on the side of an RV with a Magnum Photos sticker on the front) parked along the Via Pietro Roselli on the Gianicolo. There are machine gun toting soldiers guarding both the American University, the Seminario Teologica Internationale, the back of the American Academy and an auspicious looking institution with eagle sculptures over its gates and a plaque outside that reads "Juridicum Claretianum," on the Via Giacomo Medici up the street. “Le temps court et s’ecoule et notre morte seule arrive a le rattraper. La photographie est un couperet qui dans l’eternite saisit l’instant qui la eblouie.” In short it’s carpe diem, time flies and photography seizes the moment. The least the itinerant traveler can do is to reach into their pocket for an iPhone and take the picture of the quote in the spirit of the great photographer's (and founding member of Magnum Photos) words.

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