Tuesday, September 5, 2017


diagram of Hurricane Irma (National Hurricane Center)
Next week could be tough. Hurricane Irma and thermonuclear war. General Mattis who most commentators agree doesn’t like to take the spotlight was warning of a "massive military response" to North Korea’s threats (CNN, 9/3/17) and weather reporters like Louise Finch and Lonnie Quinn on local stations like WCBS  were furnishing those spaghetti like computer projections of the newest hurricane’s path with Florida’s governor urging residents to prepare themselves. Imagine trying to trying to test our missile defense system as 140 mph winds blow in over the Atlantic ("Forida Governor Declares State of Emergency Ahead of Possible Hurricane Irma Strike," The Weather Channel, 9/4/17). What happens if you have both a nuclear strike and a massive hurricane at the same time? Trump said about Harvey, “It’s a long term. We’re talking about—they say two years, three years, but I think that because this is Texas you’ll probably do it in six months.”  ("Trump returns to Texas to see Hurricane Harvey Recovery in  Houston," The Texas Tribune 9/2/17). It would be interesting to see if this “can do” spirit will prevail in the face of a both man-made and natural disasters. Do you call in the National Guard to help the victims of a thermonuclear war with a hurricane on the way? Governor Greg Abbott has put a $180 billion price tag on Harvey recovery ("As Weary Texans Seek Solace, Governor Says Property Damage May Exceed Katrina"NYT, 9/3/17), but what will be the cost of a doubleheader?

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