Monday, February 3, 2025

Citizen Kane?

Curtis Yarvin (The New York Times)

Curtis Yarvin (aka Mencius Goldbug), the ideologue du jour of the current counter-reformation or counterculture reconstruction, is reminiscent of none other than you guessed it, Steve Bannon. If you saw American Dharma you will remember Bannon is quite the film buff--someone you might know who's seen Citizen Kane one time too many. Yarvin is a creature out of central casting. He's no Gary Cooper, but if they ever do a remake of The Fountainhead, he's the guy for the role He swaggers as he murders the idea of democracy and calls for monarchy. He's an advocate for the "Dark Enlightenment." Isn't that grand? What flourish? What a cool piece of nihilism! Actually he may be up for the part of Raskolnikov, for murdering Alyona Ivanovna, the old pawnbroker (aka The Constitution of the United States of America).

read "An Incident of Defenestration" by Francis Levy, Vol. 1 Brooklyn

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