Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Giambattista Vico

There is "eternal recurrence" for which you need an infinity and then Vico's circularity which refers to history. Vilfredo Pareto's "circulation des elites" refines this kind of historical pattern recognition into ideological relativism. "The dictatorship of the proletariat" would yield the "nomenklatura," which was not far from say Britain's aristocratic ruling class or America's 19th century robber barons, Vanderbilt, Carnegie and Rockefeller. Ideology is immune to treating its leaders with equanimity and ironically the inheritor of the mantle of the Soviet State (who is now unsuccessfully trying to reconstitute the Imperial Russia) is one  of  wealthiest men in the world, an oligarch whose wealth exceeds that of any czar or Russian noble. There will always be a Caesar, no matter what the system of government. In talking about Renan's The Origins of Christianity in To the Finland Station, Edmund Wilson says: "the Christianity of the Apostles is no longer the Christianity of Jesus; the Christianity of the Scriptures is modified as it is attracted toward the Greeks or the Jews; the Christianity of the Rome of Nero is something entirely different from the primitive Christianity of Judea. Our ideas are all spun from filaments, infinitely long and mingled, which have to be analyzed with an infinite delicacy."

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