Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Dear Ethicist: The Dating Game

Dear Ethicist: I have spent more time trying to make a date with some old friends of ours than we will eventually end up spending together if the stars finally get into conjunction and voila we find ourselves facing them over dinner with nothing left to say since we’re so drained and exhausted from the dating game and are beginning to hate them almost as much as we hate ourselves. I realize that’s a mouthful (speaking of dinner) and that further these are small problems compared to all the dying people. But the one thing I have always said about my problems is they’re mine. We’re busy New Yorkers with yoga, therapy schedules and late afternoon trysts that all have to be scheduled in. You may or may not go way back with someone, but at a certain point you may throw your hands up and ask “is it worth all the trouble.” BTW, let’s not forget the phone tag that precedes the dating game.


Scheduling Problems

Brooklyn, NY

Dear Scheduling Problems: Have you ever heard the expression, "belly button gazing." It’s synonymous with self-involvement. Your belly button must be so gazed upon that it has the equivalent of an interpersonal sunburn.

Read "Sperm Count: Should You Give Your Child Viagra?" by Francis Levy, HuffPost


 and listen to "Monkey Time" by Major Lance (1963)

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